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J Mack Slaughter

Born: December 28, 1983

Fort Worth, TX

Age: 16, Single

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 145

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Grade: Sophomore

Fort Worth Country Day School

Siblings: Lisa and Sarah

Singing Voice: Baritone/Bass

Instruments Played: Drums, Guitar, Saxophone (a little)

Pet Peeve: Not getting enough sleep

I'd like to meet: Weezer and Jennifer Love Hewitt

I'm attracted to: Girls with a good personality, pretty eyes, a nice smile, good body, is talented, and caring.


Food: Steak

Drink: Coca-Cola and Kool-Aid

Color: Dark Blue

Type of Music: Alternative, POP and R&B

Artist: Weezer and Sons of Harmony (of course)=)

Vacation Spot: Las Vegas

Place: Beach

Thing to Do: Play drums, guitar, write songs and sing

Car: My 3000 GT